New focus on essential emergency and critical care needed globally

Critical illness results in millions of deaths each year. Care for those with critical illness is often neglected due to a lack of prioritisation, co-ordination, and coverage of timely identification and basic life-saving treatments. To improve care, we propose a new focus on essential emergency and critical care (EECC)—care that all critically ill patients should receive in all hospitals in the world.

Article by Tim Baker, Carl Otto Schell, Martin Gerdin Wärnberg, Anna Hvarfner, Andreas Höög, Ulrika Baker and Markus Castegren published in the international clinical medical journal Critical Care. 

Essential emergency and critical care should be part of universal health coverage, is appropriate for all countries in the world, and is intended for patients irrespective of age, gender, underlying diagnosis, medical specialty, or location in the hospital. Essential emergency and critical care is pragmatic and low-cost and has the potential to improve care and substantially reduce preventable mortality.

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