Life Support Foundation Statutes
In October 2013 the Life Support Foundation was established. The following are an unofficial translation of the foundation’s Swedish statutes.
Life Support Foundation is an international, independent, medical organisation aiming to prevent deaths due to acute, life-threatening conditions in low-income countries through improving the access to and quality of basic life-saving interventions.
Life Support Foundation will focus its efforts in low-income countries through raising funds and supporting activities that work to realise its aim through:
– raising awareness among health systems, hospitals, universities and other organisations of the need for quick, effective interventions for people with acute, life-threatening conditions
– improving access to and quality of Anaesthesia, Criticial Care and Emergency Care in low-income countries
– improving access to and quality of emergency obstetric care and resuscitation of mothers and newborn babies in low-income countries
– encouraging international collaboration between health workers
– increasing health workers’ understanding of global health issues and the socio-economic effects on health and health services
– conducting research to increase knowledge about Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Emergency Care where resources are limited
The Life Support Foundation will achieve its’ aims through:
- Arranging courses and training
- Staff exchanges between Sweden and other countries
- Research and quality-improvement initiatives
- Dissemination of information
- Inspiring and developing medical societies
- Improving patient safety, guidelines and checklists
- Introducing medical equipment and training in its use
- Other means that the board decide further the foundation’s aims
Distribution of the foundation’s resources will be decided by the Board. The Board welcome external applications and may distribute resources without prior application. The Board may give out stipends or other funds. The Board’s aim is to put as much of the foundations resources to use as possible, in line with the foundation’s aims.
The Board will continually inform the general public of the foundation’s activities though the internet and other channels in order to raise further funds.
The Board will consist of at least three members, of which one should be an anaesthesiologist and one an obstetrician. A chair is elected for a period of one year. The foundation has a registered accountant.
The founders of the Life Support Foundation were Tim Baker, Lars Irestedt, Henrik Jörnvall and Berith Tingåker
Life Support Foundation Stiftelseförordnande