173 pulse oximeters donated to 69 hospitals in Tanzania

Care will be improved and more lives saved at 69 hospitals all over Tanzania, as Life Support Foundation has facilitated the donation of 173 pulse oximeters from Lifebox. Handbooks in Anaesthesia have also been provided to doctors and residents tranining in the specialty, through the donation by the  Association  of  Anaesthetists  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  (AAGBI). 

Donation pulsoximetrarThe 173 pulse oximeters from Lifebox were handed over by Life Support Foundation at the third Conference for the Society of Anaesthesiologists of Tanzania (SATA) in Dar es Salaam on 18th-20th May.

The oximeter is used for measuring oxygen saturation in the blood and pulse rate. Teaching explained how   to   use   and   maintain   the oximeters and discussions where  held  of Clinical scenarios  and  how  pulse  oximetry  can improve care and save lives.

Life Support  Foundation also facilitated  the  donation  of  an  Oxford Handbook  of  Obstetric  Anaesthesia  in  Developing  Countries  to  every  delegate,  kindly donated  by  the  Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI). BöckerThe AAGBI also donated 30 copies of the larger Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia, which Life Support Foundation gave to every resident currently training in Anaesthesia in Tanzania.

Every  delegate  at  the  conference also received  a  USB  memory  stick  full  of  medical  articles, books  and  guidelines, from Life Support Foundation.

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